Legal Notice

Service Provider

Intershore Chambers
Geneva Place, 3rd Floor
VG1110 Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands

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Liability and Legal Notices

Disclaimer: The contents of this online offering were created carefully and according to our current state of knowledge but serve only for information purposes and do not have legally binding effect unless they are legally mandatory information (e.g. the imprint, the privacy policy, terms and conditions, or mandatory consumer instructions). We reserve the right to change or delete the contents completely or partially, provided that contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

All published contents are journalistic publications and serve exclusively entertainment and educational purposes. They consistently and at all times represent our personal opinion and assessment. Although we have researched thoroughly and conscientiously, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the content. We would like to point out that only information known to the author at the time of publication has been included. At no time does it constitute legal or tax advice or other professional recommendations. Neither 1Hub ai nor the authors are liable for damages and losses arising from incomplete or incorrect information or from the use or non-use of the provided information.

Links to external websites: The contents of external websites to which we directly or indirectly refer lie outside our area of responsibility, and we do not adopt them as our own. We accept no responsibility for all content and disadvantages arising from the use of the information accessible on the linked websites.

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Indications of legal violations: If you notice legal violations within our Internet presence, we ask you to inform us of them. We will promptly remove illegal content and links upon notification.